"Saving Perth Homes From Break-Ins"
KNA Security
Our specialist equipment can provide you with the essential protection for both your family and home. We specialise in providing the highest quality, strongest and most resilient security doors in Perth.
Boasting over three decades in the industry, we are confident in providing you with the most effective solutions to protect your property.
(08) 9561 2956
U8/21 Global Road, Neerabup, WA 6031
The prices showcased on this website are provided for informational purposes and should be considered as a guide. It's important to note that these prices are subject to confirmation through a site check. Additionally, please be aware that pricing is dynamic and may undergo alterations without advance notice. We recommend verifying the current pricing details before making any decisions or commitments. © KNA Security Pty Ltd 2021 • (08) 9561 2956 • info@knasecurity.com.au • Servicing Perth to Lancelin